PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is designed to take your diving skills to the next level and expand your knowledge and experience in various diving environments.

The course typically consists of five adventure dives, including a deep dive and a navigation dive, and three other dives that can be chosen from a range of options, such as night diving, wreck diving, peak performance buoyancy, underwater photography, and more.

Each adventure dive is led by a certified PADI instructor, who will guide you through new skills and techniques relevant to that particular type of dive. You'll also learn about the equipment and planning required for each type of dive.

The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is open to anyone who is already a certified Open Water Diver (or equivalent) and is in good physical health. The course typically takes two to three days to complete, and upon successful completion, you'll earn the Advanced Open Water Diver certification.

This certification not only provides a sense of accomplishment, but it also allows you to explore new dive sites and take on new challenges that were previously off-limits to you. It's a great way to build confidence, improve your skills, and become a more well-rounded diver.